The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China
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Thursday, 27 January 2011

What a Grey Day

The Australians continued their celebrations throughout the day today - quite a few braving temperatures of minus five degrees in shorts & t-shirts!

The day was supposed to brighten up, and for a little while the skies over Goat's Eye Mountain looked promising.

However, the clouds closed in during the afternoon. This was the scene looking back up a run called 'Gladerunner' a couple of days ago....

.... and heading down the same run from the top today (although visibility was slightly better further down)! If you look carefully, you can just see the black diamond in the middle of the photo, the chairlift on the left and a snowboarder on the right! It made for a challenging afternoon's skiing.

We went to a great restaurant for dinner - the 'Magpie & Stump'. It's a bit quirky, from the Mexican hat that drops onto your head at the entrance, to the name of the place as described below.

The eccentricity continues with the drinking vessels. This place would give a whole new meaning to 'going out for a jar'!

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