The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China
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Saturday, 22 January 2011

A Scared Small-wood, or a Petrified Forest?

The snow at Lake Louise was relentless again today - the locals say that the conditions are the best for over ten years!

To make the most of the wonderful snow, I persuaded Christine to practice on the moguls and 'steeps'. After lunch, we took on the men's downhill, which is a fast 'black diamond', made even harder with a foot of powder & moguls. Christine was so scared, we went back up & did a second run!

The snow and freezing conditions have also had an effect on the forests - this tree was putting up a brave fight! .....

as well as the wildlife. I couldn't get a photo of the Elk; they roam free next to the highways, but this little fellow was very photogenic....

all he wanted was some food!

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