The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China
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Thursday, 20 January 2011

Today's challenge...

Wednesday - first day skiing at Lake Louise, and all the top lifts were closed for the first couple of hours for avalanche clearing! Still lovely skiing on groomed green and blue runs, like number 6 which was very smooth! Christine thought I should have my photo taken here for some reason...

So I got my revenge by taking her on a seriously steep black mogul field (well actually, we took a wrong turn off an unpisted blue!).

This is looking back up the slope. It doesn't look that steep from here, but when you're looking down from the top it's quite scary!

The arrow shows the run from the top. Well I enjoyed it! Christine said she was terrified, and required alcohol at the cafe!

Back at the bottom - this is how to get the snow off your roof! (Disclaimer: don't try this at home!)

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